
Solar Eclipse Unites Community Spirit, Learning on Campus Green

Michelle Eggink,内容营销助理总监 & 通信
学生们聚集在马瑞斯特绿地观看日食. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注

4月16日, 2024 - Students witnessed a cosmic campus event last week: the North American solar eclipse of 2024. 成群的学生, 教师, and staff gathered on the campus green to experience the rare phenomenon, 作为一个社区分享这难忘的经历.

当月亮遮住太阳时, 天窗慢慢地消失了, 气温明显下降。, 圣母教堂的灯柱也比平时亮得早. 学生们懒洋洋地躺在毯子上, 通过便携式扬声器播放音乐, and cheered together at the peak moon coverage of the sun.

“I think it's really beautiful to see everybody out on the Marist Green, 所有人都聚集在一起,为了一个巨大的宇宙事件,24岁的乔·丹尼尔说. “It just shows the community and the positivity that Marist has.”

“My favorite part of the solar eclipse was that it brought everyone on campus together to watch,27岁的吉纳维芙·佩特拉说. “看到这些真的很酷!”



“The campus is already really pretty as it is and seeing the darkness come over it was really cool and fun to be around,27岁的蒂根·迪皮波说.

“I was most excited about watching the eclipse with my friends,” said Kat Bilbija '24. “I feel like this is the first time this semester that the green has been filled with Marist students and it's nice to see everyone come together and enjoy something meaningful.”

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon moves between the Sun and the Earth, blocking sunlight. Whether it's partial or total depends on where you are and the Moon's position. In Poughkeepsie, our campus was outside 日全食的路径 but experienced a 93.9%等日食.


当时校园里正在发生日偏食, 日全食的路径, where the moon fully covered sunlight was just three hours north of campus. Joseph Echeverria摄.

教务长办公室 理学院,物理学教授 Dr. 纳尔逊等条子 teamed up to orchestrate campus activities in anticipation of the historic event. This included distributing over 500 solar eclipse glasses for safe viewing and offering sessions on crafting camera obscuras and solar eclipse education. Many students arrived at the Campus Green prepared with glasses that they received for free from on-campus pick-up locations, 提前购买, 或者学会了自己做.

Not only was this cosmic occurrence an incredible communal viewing experience but also an exciting teaching moment.

Image of 科学 students making camera obsuras in Donnelly Hall.

理科学生在唐纳利大厅制作暗箱. 图片来源:Michelle Eggink/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

“Dr. 等条子 hosted times for us to make camera obscuras in advance so I was so excited to look through them to see the eclipse in person,25岁的詹娜·杰德利卡说.

“This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” said Haillie D’Andrea '25. 博士期间. 等条子 solar eclipse talk I learned that the next solar eclipse in this area won’t be until 2079, 所以我很高兴我能够体验它.”

Dr. 等条子 talk covered the science of solar eclipses and offered additional info about fun historical and cultural factoids. From ancient eclipse rituals and current conspiracy theories to describing the difference between astronomy and astrology, 全面的演讲吸引了所有的与会者.

“We have a very supportive community for learning here and it’s great to see how interested and curious everyone on campus is for this rare event,”医生说。. 等条子. “We should embrace the things nature provides us when we get the opportunity.”

The science students and 教师 weren’t the only ones with starry eyes, as all disciplines came out for the experiential learning opportunity.

“A bunch of us are in a class called audiation in the music program,” Kailey Levinson '25. “It was really cool because we were able to come outside and use what we learned in class about music and actually listen to music while the eclipse was happening.”

Dr. 莫伊拉费茨基布斯, Professor of English had students from her 历史 of the English Language course pass out bookmarks they created titled, 《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》.”


Students from the 历史 of the English Language class giving out solar eclipse bookmarks. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Dr. 费茨基布斯共享, “My class recognized the eclipse gathering and quickly created bookmarks featuring cultural literary references to eclipses and facts about Geoffrey Chaucer, 第一个在英语中提到eclipse的人. It aligned well with their projects on communicating arcane linguistic knowledge to the public and the bookmarks went fast!“

“许多教授取消了课程或将课程转移到户外, prioritizing the chance for students to witness the eclipse firsthand,24岁的利亚姆·吉布斯说. “It's nice to see professors embracing this once-in-a-lifetime event and acknowledging students' desire to be part of it.”

